


Story telling

Hello everyone!  On Friday Joe Ó Máirtin told us a funny story about a hungry crocodile that wanted to eat some children. Here are some pictures of that performance.

Kaixo guztioi! Ostiralean Joe Ó Máirtinek haurrak jan nahi zituen krokodilo baten istorio barregarria kontatu zigun. Hemen dituzue saio horren argazki batzuk.

And here is the video:

Eta hemen goian duzue bideoa.


English song in 4A, 4B and 4C

Hi there!  Few days ago we were remembering a song that was practised in unit 1. Let's see how well you performed it. Find yourself in the different videos!!

Kaixo! Duela egun batzuk lehenengo gaian praktikatu genuen abesti bat gogoratu genuen. Ikus dezagun zeinen ongi geratu zen. Begiratu eta ea zure burua aurkitzen duzun bideoren batean!