


New exercises and games

Here you can find the exercises and games that we were practicing yesterday. Tell me if you can solve "Game-2". Nobody guessed yesterday, ha ha!!!

1- A-an
2- Naming words-1
3- Naming words-2
4- Number names
5- Reading-1
6- Game-1
7- Game-2

About the comments

Hi everybody!!
This is to tell you that we have a special corner for general comments. Look on the right and click on "General comments"  ( Pages / Orrialdeak section ). Anyway, you can write your comments as usual, in the section where you are.

Kaixo guztioi!!
Hau da zuei esateko badugula atal berri bat komentario orokorrak biltzeko. Begiratu eskubiko goiko zonaldean eta klikatu "General comments"  ( Pages / Orrialdeak  lerroan ). Dena den, orain arte bezala idatzi ditzakezue zuen komentarioak, momentuan ikusten ari zareten atalean.