


Geography and animals

Hi! Sometimes I become a student. I had to prepare two activities for an online course and this is what I thought. 

In the first example, you can practice Geography a little bit .

In the second one, you have to guess four farm and wild animals. Click on the green flag and enjoy them!



We are again at school and we have practised a new chant to revise the English alphabet.
Here it is!!!

3rd level B

3rd level A

3rd level C


Actors and actresses in 6th grade (2)

Hi!, here we are again! 

This time we come with the last works made by our great actors and actresses from 6th grade. Have a look and give us your comments!! 

They leave school just today, so... have a good summer and relax. We can't say "see you in September", because you are starting high school, but you can visit us whenever you want. 

Good luck in that new stage!

Kaixo, hemen gaituzue berriro!

Oraingoan seigarren mailako aktore-aktoresen azken lanak ekartzen dizkizuegu. Begiratu eta emaguzue zuen iritziak!! 

Eskola uzten dute gaur bertan, beraz... uda on pasa eta atsedena hartu. Orain ezin dugu esan "irailean elkar ikusiko dugu" institutoan hasiko zaretelako, baina nahi duzuenean etor zaitezkete bisitan, fisikoki edo blogaren bidez.

Zorte ona zuen etapa berri horretan!

Hola, aquí nos tenéis de nuevo!

Esta vez os traemos los últimos trabajos de nuestros actores y actrices de sexto curso. Echad un vistazo y quedamos a la espera de vuestra opinión.

Hoy mismo dejan la escuela, por tanto... que paséis un buen verano y descanséis. Esta vez no podemos decir "nos vemos en septiembre" porque entonces iréis al instituto, pero nos podéis visitar cuando queráis, en persona o por medio del blog.

¡Buena suerte en vuestra nueva etapa!

Puppets in 5th grade.

Let's play with the puppets made with Virginia. Let's speak in English.

Virginiarekin egindako txotxongiloak erabiliko ditugu ingelesez hitz egiteko. 

¡Nuestras marionetas hablan inglés!


Actors and actresses in 6th grade.

Hi!, how are you? 

This time we come with lots of great actors and actresses from 6th grade to show you different performances. We have a lot of travelers (even to the moon) or tourist guides, we are not sure. We have some commercials and a horror story too. We are still improving our technique, so… have a look and give us your comments!! 









Tourist guides in Txantrea

Did you know?  We have great tourist guides in 4th grade. They describe us our school, Arriurdiñeta square, Ezkaba square, the places where they live... Have a look and don't get lost!



Last unit we learnt about the coins English people use in United Kingdom. We colored them to have "money" to go shopping.

                             After that we practised different dialogs to buy things: 
                             Can I have three felt tips, please? How much?