


Merry Christmas!

Hi! How are you? Today I've got some special things for you about Christmas.

Santa's Quiz 
You have to look carefully at the information to solve the game and get a present. Good luck!!

Jingle bell bracelet ... and more!
Here you can see some videos about how to make a jingle bell bracelet, a reindeer hat and more beautiful crafts. You will not understand everything, but it is easy to follow, just watch the video!!!

Santa's world tour
This is another game. Help guide Santa as he delivers his presents around the world.

Well, I think that you will enjoy it.  I will try to add more fun activities for your Christmas holidays. Meanwhile, have some nice days.
See you in January.
Best wishes from:


More games
Hello again, I've got more games for you. Click here and enjoy. There are more than twenty games!!!!



Hello again. This week we have some easy exercises to revise things that you can't still remember and some others about our story, superheroes!!

     - Colours and...(do you want to see? click and try it)

     - Watch a story about  Superhero High (a school for superheroes).

     - Listen to a song about superheroes. (2 or 3 times)

     - Make your own hero step by step.
          Now, tell us about the hero you made!
             . What's his/her name?
             . What does he/she look like?
             . What special powers does he/she have?
             . What can he/she do?


Lots of exercises

Hello.Here you have something to practise . Do you remenber those little pieces of paper we matched in the classroom? (questions and answers). They work in a similar way.


Back to school 2011-2012 (4th grade)

Hi everyone! How are you? What about your summer holidays?
Now you are in 4th grade!!! Did you remember?  of course you did!! this course we'll try to do a lot of new thinghs, so welcome back to our corner and... let's start!

Kaixo guztioi! Zer moduz zaudete? Udako opor goxoak izan dituzue, ezta?
Bazaudete 4. mailan jadanik!!! gogoratzen zenuten hori? bai horixe!! kurtso honetan zehar gauza berri asko egiten saiatuko gara, beraz ongi etorriak berriro gure txoko honetara eta... has gaitezen!

We have changed the look of this place, but you can still find what we did last year.

Aldatu dugu leku honen itxura, baina oraindik iaz egin genuena aurkitu dezakezue.